Professional ​

When it comes to E-learning and instructional design, I have the unique experience of being from both a business and educational background. From working for Fortune 100 companies such as AmerisourceBergen, Comcast, Bristol-Myers Squibb, United States Steel, to managing thousands of online students at Pennsylvania’s online high schools; I use my experience to deliver effective functional courses. My greatest skill is putting myself in both the learner’s and stakeholder's shoes by designing functional courses with measurable outcomes. I created programs to accurately predict high school student’s future test scores on state testing, and managed projects ranging from upper management training to training to railroad safety. For last four years, I have been focused on the healthcare industry. My laid back yet punctual, positive, and detail oriented attitude has allowed me be successful with all types of SME’s and stakeholders.
Articulate 360
Articulate Storyline
Articulate Presenter
Adobe Captivate
LMS Administration
Final Cut
Audio Mixing

M.A. Instruction Design and Technology
West Virginia University-December 2014
G.P.A. 4.0, Golden Key Member
Grad project was for a NASA education program
Studied instructional design practices, design theory, and authoring systems
Incorporated practices learned from research in everyday projects and course design
Post Baccalaureate Certificate, Learning Design and Technology Integration
Pennsylvania State University, Summer 2012
Original research using online aids
Completed core courses in Instructional Design, 2.0 technology, and many more
B.A. History/Education Certification
Widener University, Chester, PA. May 2009
Omicron Delta Kappa--The National Leadership Honor Society
Alpha Chi -National Scholarship Honor Society, top 10% of class
Pi Gamma Mu- International Social Science Honor Society
Phi Alpha Theta- International History Honor Society
Director of Training, 05/2014- 12/2016, MedHOK, Tampa, FL
Worked for a medical insurance software company (SaaS), with clients such as Blue Cross and Aetna, selling over 300K in training, making the department profitable in 2016
Managed the day to day operations of the training department, with 4 other trainers and support staff responsible for weekly meetings, professional development of team, project management, onboarding, travel, and reports
Designed a certification program for all employees and clients, which included building over 60 Courses with a blended model of eLearning and instructor-led courses that included product items, HR, compliance, industry, and additional courses
Created a Document Control SOP to manage training and source documentation
Lead on first stage of implementation with clients
Designed and curated product release notes
Designed all the end user documentation including user guides, job aides, as well as release notes and creating an SOP for updating materials.
Traveled to train clients onsite as a SME on parts of the system in Train the Trainer sessions and Implementation training
Created a curriculum and standardized training agendas, course descriptions, course catalogs, and facilitation guides. Standardized the training approach by all employees, and implemented training surveys to gain client feedback.
Developing software simulation and eLearning courses using Storyline 2 along with video recording and editing in Camtasia
Assisted in designing the user interface and reviewing of new products and testing
eLearning Designer, 07/2013- 05/2014, AmerisourceBergen, Valley Forge, PA
eLearning designer for 2013’s Fortune 32 company within the largest
segment, the AmerisourceBergen Drug Corporation
Project manager for several business initiatives, oversaw development and worked
with SMEs throughout the organization
Projects worked on include Salesforce.com training, Accountable Care Organizations,
340B Drug Program, CMS Medicare 5 Star Ratings, and many more
Created online training, Job Aids, and SOPS for the pharmaceutical sales department
Hosted monthly Community of Practice sessions development training for other
eLearning users in the company
Served as one of the LMS managers using Cornerstone
Designed and developed electronic review concept to capture sales performance on
the go with an iPad friendly format that generated a large data pool of information to
gain business insights that drove future sales initiatives using Adobe Form Central
Lead Instructional Designer (Contracted), 11/2012- 06/2013. GP Strategies, Pottstown, PA
Lead Instructional Designer contractor for clients such as Comcast, Campbell’s, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and U.S. Steel for a 6 month contract
Managed a team that consisted of a junior designer and two developers
Lead Articulate Storyline developer, responsible for training other employees
Projects included SAP system training, factory management training courses, workflow process, railroad safety, FDA regulations, and other employee training
Worked with SME’s and stakeholders throughout the creation process
Projects were under budget, ahead of schedule, and beyond customer expectation
Online Instructor, 8/ 2011- 11/2012. Achievement House Cyber Charter School, Exton, PA
Online high school Social Studies and English virtual instructor, designed data driven
Curriculum on the Understanding by Design instructional format
Piloted Storyline for use within Moodle 2.0, and was on the only Tin Can API research
group for an online school
Responsible for training all teachers in Articulate Storyline
Served on the Elementary Development Committee for preparing the launching of the
Elementary Program
Reviewed and provided input on purchasing our current LMS
Designed and built a modern production studio, enabling teacher to broadcast live in
HD quality to our students and live Chroma keying
Classroom Teacher, 8/2009 – 6/2011. Ridley High School, Folsom, PA.
Taught “American Experience,” a co-curricular 11th grade literature and history class that was writing intensive and promoted higher level thinking
Created a method to track future student ability, increasing reading scores on state
testing by 13% in one year.